Our Mission & Vision


The Mission of The Bark ‘n Blue Foundation is to provide funding and resources for police K-9 units to acquire the best available tools to maintain the highest level of public safety.  The Bark ‘n Blue Foundation is a tax-exempt organization under 501© 3 of the Internal Revenue Code.


To promote education and awareness for police k-9 Teams.  Raising funds for the purchasing, training and on-going veterinary care for active police K-9’s.     

At the heart of the Bark ‘n Blue foundation is the desire to give K-9’s a better chance of protecting themselves and their handlers; returning them home to their families and at the end of the day, and providing the brave with the tools necessary to maintain the highest level of public safety while on active duty.  

The foundation raises money at many events, with only volunteer help, soliciting donations and selling branded foundation memorabilia (i.e. tee shirts, plush, hats and the like).  Approximately 98% of the money raised goes directly to purchase dogs, train dogs, train officers, outfit squad cars and buy equipment and supplies directly related to or for the dog.  The funding is done ONLY AFTER the respective police department has determined that there is a funding shortfall between the budget and the new or unforeseen expenses.  The Handler/Officer Liaison to the foundation board then requests the funding. 

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